Monday, 11 March 2013

18 Sketch Sections

The images below are a series of sections exploring the relationship between two of my chosen clients, Antonio Stradivari (C1) and Jiro Ono (C2). These structures are inspired by words (Noun, Verb, Adjective) that suggest a distinctive and significant approach with each client's work to the sections I have designed for the purpose of their daily use. 

Client 1: Antonio Stradivari 

Noun: Strings

Verb: Accelerate  

Adjective:  Elegant 

Client 2: Jiro Ono

Noun: Spheres

Verb: Nest

Adjective:  Raw

Section One: Elegant/Raw

Section Two: Elegant/Nest

Section Three: Elegant/Spheres

Section Four: Accelerate/Raw

Section Five: Accelerate/Nest

Section Six: Accelerate/Spheres

Section Seven: Strings/Raw

Section Eight: Strings/Nest

Section Nine: Strings/Spheres

Section Ten: Raw/Elegant

Section Eleven: Nest/Elegant

Section Twelve: Spheres/Elegant 

Section Thirteen: Raw/Accelerate

Section Fourteen: Nest/Accelerate 

Section Fifteen: Spheres/Accelerate

Section Sixteen: Raw/Strings

Section Seventeen: Nest/Strings

Section Eighteen: Spheres/Strings


  1. wow! you are very creative, and your word selection is genius - your words actually correlate to architecture, clever cookie :)
    (i suddenly feel the need to re do mine)

    1. You don't have to redo yours! Your work is great! =)
